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CTN Innovative solutions

Country: Spain

CTN Innovative solutions

6 Projects, page 1 of 2
  • Funder: EC Project Code: 101096457
    Overall Budget: 4,993,110 EURFunder Contribution: 4,993,110 EUR

    POSEIDON main objective is to demonstrate the applicability of 3 innovative fast-response ESS in waterborne transport (Supercapacitors, Flywheels and SMES) addressing their on-board integration, cost-competitiveness, efficiency, and safety, in relevant environments. To achieve it, the following specific objectives have been defined: SO 1. To build and marinize 3 innovative ESS (SMES, Supercapacitors, and Flywheel) SO 2. To demonstrate their operation in a maritime environment of a containerized system including the 3 developed ESS systems. SO 3. To establish a refined metrics Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) tool for cost assessment and comparison of ESS for different waterborne segments. SO 4. To elaborate a complete lifecycle analysis of the 3 developed ESS. SO 5. To analyse potential integration with other disruptive technologies, such as hydrogen, rigid sails, and reversible hydrokinetic generators. SO 6. To determine safety issues, potential long-term risks and to propose regulatory solutions for the 3 ESS. To achieve SO1 and 2, POSEIDON will contribute with 3 Innovative Outputs (IO) that will demonstrate the potential applicability of Fast Response Energy Storage Systems (FRESS) in the maritime industry. IO1. Marinized SMES based on CERN high-field superconducting magnets IO2. Slow Flywheel for waterborne transport IO3. Supercapacitor based ESS for marine applications SO3, 4, 5 and 6 are focused on the main barriers that must be overcome to achieve the penetration of alternative ESS in the maritime industry. To this purpose, POSEIDON will develop 3 innovative tools: Tool1. a refined metrics Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) tool for ESS cost assessment and comparison. Applicability report of FRESS to different waterborne segments. Tool2. LCC and LCA analysis of FRESS technologies applied to the waterborne segment. Tool3. Disruptive technologies assessment: complementarity with hydrogen and solid sails

  • Funder: EC Project Code: 873468
    Overall Budget: 5,448,750 EURFunder Contribution: 4,961,290 EUR

    Europe’s transition to a circular and climate-neutral economy is as much an environmental, economic and social necessity as it is an opportunity for European businesses and citizens. To meet the targets and ambition set out by EU Circular Economy policies and actualise circular value chains as a competitive advantage, DigiCirc will empower SMEs to leverage digital technology as a key enabler for innovative circular products/ services, processes and business models. To this end, DigiCirc will create and coordinate the DigiCirc innovation network, facilitated by an engagement campaign of 3 partner clusters, to bring together a wide-spectrum of ‘triple-helix’ stakeholders (local/ regional authorities, big industry actors, SMEs, RTOs, civil society, etc.). 3 strategic high-growth domains will be in scope (Circular Cities, Bioeconomy, Blue Economy), each represented by a leading cluster in the field. The Ecosystem will lay the foundation for a holistic, dynamic and cross-border/sector open space for innovation, implement through the DigiCirc accelerators (3 calls, one in each target domain). The accelerators will be run by innovation support experts to transform validated concepts into robust business models towards a commercial launch. This will involve (i) tailored business support: courses and coaching; (ii) identifying and establishing strategic partnerships (facilitated by a dedicated Matchmaking Tool) to create complementary consortia (thematic & SMEs with a LSD enabler partner, e.g. industry, local government); (iii) two circular data platforms to simplify data use and integration across complex value chains and environments thus boosting circular business plans and concepts. Finally, A DigiCirc Roadmap will be drafted to define the path for digital-enabled circular innovation in the 3 domains, the way-forward for each of the clusters to seize upon knowledge gained and identify/define concrete sustainability options for the DigiCirc innovation network.

  • Funder: EC Project Code: 101135343
    Funder Contribution: 4,999,580 EUR

    The TRANSEATION main objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of marine and coastal hybrid blue-grey infrastructures and validate a new level of ecosystem-based management combining nature-based solutions, social implication digitalization to the protection and restoration of marine ecosystem health and services. To ensure the success of this main objective, the TRANSEATION project counts on partners and collaborators with broad expertise in relevant areas covering four types of entities in the project (from research and technological centers to companies and offshore industrial operators) as follows: managerial (CMCC, IOW, GLP, CTN), industrial (SAITEC, ITASKORDA, GEOCORAIL, CCELL), scientifical (OE, UOH, CMCC, AZTI, GAIKER, IOW, DTU, CTN) and participatory (SO, ECOOCEAN, AZTI, CTN, CMCC). In addition, this project implements three user cases towards marine and coastal infrastructures, considering the different life cycle stages. Then, the following 5 specific objectives are identified: Specific objective 1. Apply EBM through a systema approach to integrate hybrid NbS in marine and coastal infrastructures to support the preservation and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services simultaneously with addressing multiple societal challenges (environmental, social and economic benefits). Specific objective 2. Demonstrate the effectiveness of [3] type of coastal and marine infrastructures as hybrid NbS both to preserve ecosystems and support their restoration considering its replicability and scaled-up. Specific objective 3. To identify limiting factors, gaps and current issues of existing LEED initiative regarding “blue building”, setting up links with previous projects. Specific objective 4. To analyze the benefits and potential trade-off of these hybrid solutions in short and long-term for marine biodiversity and ecosystem services protection and restoration. Specific objective 5. Digital solutions for monitoring, analysis and social involvement

  • Funder: EC Project Code: 727982
    Overall Budget: 7,808,690 EURFunder Contribution: 6,343,600 EUR

    LINCOLN presents three new concepts of added-value specialized vessels able to run requested services for several maritime sectors in the most effective, efficient, economic valuable and eco-friendly way. LINCOLN will develop three types of completely new vessels concepts at TRL5, through dynamic simulation model testing. The first is a Multi-platform Catamaran to serve as: Service crew vessel and Multipurpose survey vessel, optimized for Ocean energy and Aquaculture. It will develop a new people transfer system, able to improve safety during people transfer, it will have reduced operations costs and will be eco-friendly. The second is a Module Based High Speed Patrol Boat Platform, that is reconfigurable to adapt to the different operational requirements of Patrol and Security operators. Here LINCOLN will develop one platform, where different vessels can be designed for several markets, built as series production at low cost and it will enable the new “Vessel as a Service” business model. The third one is an Emergency Response and Recovery Vessels series for Coastal Rescue activities, with integrated electronics, IoT connectivity and an enhanced and low cost Integrated Dynamic Position System, which will help rescue operators during their activities and enhancing safety and security. All the three vessels will share the same design methodology. In fact, LINCOLN will be also a success story for the use of innovative design methodologies and tools in the marine sector. It will use: a lean fact based design model approach, which combines real operative data at sea with lean methodology, to support the development and implementation of the vessel concepts; IT customized tools to enable the acquisition and usage of field data, coming from an IoT platform; High Performance Computing Simulation. This new design approach will be demonstrated with the three vessels designed and delivered in the project and disseminated to bring back EU yards to the edge of innovation.

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  • Funder: EC Project Code: 614102
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